Who we are

Hi, I’m Shar

I am a lifelong animal enthusiast, I began fostering in 2020 and fell into a couple of hairy situations, kittens with ringworm and later kittens with panleukopenia. I didn't know how to handle either and learned that ALL rescues and shelters, normally euthanize for both issues. I was not okay with that. I spent over a year and a half hardcore researching how to best resolve both. I have since learned how to resolve ringworm within a week, that is, if it's one strain. If it's two or more strains, we can have it gone within six weeks with a two-week prevention protocol to ensure it's all been resolved.

With panleukopenia, I have learned how to "flip the script", taking its 90% mortality rate and creating a 90% survival rate. The trick is to bring ALL kittens exposed to the coalition as quickly as possible, whether they show signs or not, so they can begin the medication protocol. 

I started regularly posting my social media accounts as a foster, as a coalition they now help to offset a lot of the expenses, but it's only because of people like you who are willing to follow my accounts and watch my content, and share it!

Hi, I’m Tim

Along for the ride, waiting for this fire to burn, Shar's energy for saving kittens not only didn't burn out, it grew hotter and ignited my love for saving animals. I don't have her skill, but it does inspire me. I try to help out in any way I can as often as she needs. We are a team, but she's the driver of this ship.

We are fulfilled when we can turn sick kittens into loving companions.

Critical Care Kitten Coalition was born out of the need to provide better care for more kittens. We are lucky to count with a board of members that consists of animal professionals across the US.

We believe in the power of social media and through it, we have been raising awareness in the general public about the needless euthanizing of kittens. As we have proven we our work, these kittens, if given the chance and proper care, become great family members and companions. 

We are committed to continue saving more kittens, and to continue supporting our local shelters and rescues. Please consider supporting our mission and spreading the word. You can make a change in the life of a kitten.